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Catalog Reference : ELRA-U-MM0041
BiosecurID Biometric Multimodal Database
This database contains 8 unimodal biometric traits (speech, iris, face, signature, handwriting, fingerprints, hand and keystroking). It was acquired in a realistic office-like environment. It comprises 400 subjects in balance for gender and age distribution.

The speech part consists of reading 10 short sentences in Spanish and 4 utterances of a subject-specific PIN of 8 digits plus an utterance of other 3 subjects’ PINs to simulate replay attacks in which an impostor has access to the number of a client. It was recorded at 44KHz stereo with 16 bits (PCM with no compression).

The video sequence consists of five seconds saying the 8 digit PIN corresponding to the captured subject. Both the audio and video are captured with a webcam.

The others modalities are stored in JPG, BMP or SVC format.
Project : BiosecurID project Creation date : 2006
Applications possible : Automatic person recognition
Contents Click on the arrow to display content.
 speech corpus 

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