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Catalog Reference : ELRA-MULT5
Annotated Japanese Sign Language Corpus
Video-based Japanese sign language (JSL) corpus and a corpus tool for annotation and linguistic analysis. Transcribed manual signs expressing lexical information as well as non-manual signs (NMSs) - including head movements, facial actions, and posture - that are used to express grammatical information. Our purpose is to extract grammatical rules from this corpus for the sign-language translation system underdevelopment. From this viewpoint, we will discuss methods for collecting elicited data, annotation required for grammatical analysis, as well as corpus tool required for annotation and grammatical analysis. We use this corpus for designing and testing an algorithm and grammatical rules for the sign-language translation system under development.+ 2800 utterances annontated, 50 kinds of NMSs in JSL, using head (seven kinds), jaw (six kinds), mouth (18 kinds), cheeks (one kind), eyebrows (four kinds), eyes (seven kinds), eye gaze (two kinds), bydy posture (five kinds)
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Number of languages
: Monolingual
Language(s) :
Japanease sign language
Sunday 23 February, 2025
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