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Catalog Reference : ELRA-LMULT10
WordNet Dutch
WordNet Dutch is a lexical-semantic network that has been developed in the EuroWordNet project. EWN includes wordnets for several European languages and each one of them is structured along the same lines as the Princeton WordNet (lexical reference system).
In a wordnet, which is basically a semantic network, the different lexical categories of words (nouns, verbs,..) are organised into 'synsets' (sets of synonyms). Each synset represents a lexical concept and they can be linked by different types of relation (hyperonymy, antonymy, etc.). For obvious reasons, all wordnets resort to the same system of synset identification.
WordNet is a basic resource for computational linguistics purposes and language engineering applications (machine translation, IE, WSD, knowledge representation, etc.).
The Dutch wordnet is distributed through ELRA under the reference M0016.
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Tuesday 11 March, 2025
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