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Catalog Reference : ELRA-U-S0224
Ahumada speech corpus
This is a large speech corpus in Spanish designed and acquired under controlled conditions.

The Ahumada I spontaneous telephone speech contains telephone and microphone recordings from 100 male speakers from the "Guardia Civil".

Speakers were asked to:
a) read 24 isolated digits;
b) read 10 digit strings consisting of 10 digits each;
c) read 10 phonologically and syllabically balanced utterances of 8-12 word length;
d) read 1 phonologically and syllabically balanced text, of about 180 words (more than 1 minute of duration) at a normal speaking rate;
e) read the previous fixed text twice, the first time fastly and the second time slowly;
f) read a specific text, different from speaker to speaker and from session to session;
g) describe whatever they wanted (avoiding long pauses and hesitations), which results in about 1 minute (or more) of spontaneous speech.

A subcorpus of the Ahumada I corpus was used in NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluations in 2000 and 2001.
Creation date : 1998
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 speech corpus 

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