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Multimodal/Multimedia Resources
Displaying 41 to 60 (of 80 products) Result Pages: [<< Prev]   1  2  3  4  [Next >>] 

Corpus of Interactional Data (CID)

This is a French corpus which contains 8 hours of audio-video recording, including phonetic and orthographic transcriptions with multimodal annotations.
Language(s) : French (France) -

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Interactive Emotional Dyadic Motion Capture database (IEMOCAP)

This is a multimodal database which contains 12 hours of audio-video recordings with motion capture informations for head, face and hands. 10 speakers were recorded in dyadic interactions (5 sessions with 2 subjects each).
Language(s) : English -

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Biosecure Multimodal Database (BMDB)

The BioSecure multimodal database contains data related to face, voice, iris, fingerprint and signature modalities. More than 600 people (in balance for gender and age distribution) contributed to it through two acquisition sessions in three realistic scenarios: over the Internet, in an office environment, in both indoor/outdoor environments.
Language(s) : English - other -

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WOZ acoustic data collection for interactive TV 

This is a multimodal database collected in the framework of Wizard of Oz experiments in three languages: English, German and Italian. The aim was to simulate a realistic scenario to test different types of signal processing algorithms regarding to the observed user behaviors.
Language(s) : English - German - Italian -

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SCARE corpus 

SCARE stands for Situated Corpus with Annotated Referring Expressions. This corpus consists of 15 dialogues for a total of 3 hours and 41 minutes of recordings, with time-aligned transcriptions annotated for referring expressions.
Language(s) : English (USA) -

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MMI-Facial Expression Database 

This database contains 2,894 visual and audio-visual recordings of 86 subjects displaying a facial expression.
Language(s) :

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MeMo corpus 

This corpus contains 62 interactions between 32 participants, including 16 young users (22-29 years old) and 15 older users (62-85 years old), with a Smart Home Wizard of Oz (WoZ) system.
Language(s) : German -

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Socrates Emotional Speech Database 

This is a Greek emotional speech database. It consists of interactions between 43 speakers (20 females and 23 males) and a smart-home dialogue system. They are either naïve or expert users of this dialogue system.

Recordings are annotated and labeled manually in one of these six emotion categories: delighted, pleased, neutral, confused, angry and hot angry.
Language(s) : Greek -

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Prometheus Database 

This database contains recordings from heterogeneous sensors. It consists of single-person, multi-person scenarios and scenarios with interactions between groups of people.
Language(s) : Language-independent -

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Multi-stream audio-video large-vocabulary Mandarin Chinese Speech Database 

This is a multi-stream audio-video large-vocabulary mandarin chinese speech database, recorded by 225 people and captured by 7 cameras and 12 microphones. It contains 17,000 utterances in which more than 3,750 Chinese characters appear.
Language(s) : Mandarin Chinese -

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BiosecurID Biometric Multimodal Database 

This database contains 8 unimodal biometric traits (speech, iris, face, signature, handwriting, fingerprints, hand and keystroking). It was acquired in a realistic office-like environment. It comprises 400 subjects in balance for gender and age distribution.
Language(s) : Spanish -

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Visual Database for Sign Language (VISIBASE)

This is a corpus of video in Sign Language of the Netherlands (NGT) collected in the late 1990s and recently digitised.
Language(s) :

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CUAVE database 

This is an audio-visual database which contains over 7,000 utterances of both connected and isolated digits recorded by 36 individual speakers and 20 pairs of speakers. It is aimed at testing multispeaker solutions. In addition to that, it includes both still and moving speakers in order to be robust to speaker movement.
Language(s) : English (USA) -

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Multimodal Spontaneous Expressive Speech Corpus for Hungarian 

It contains recordings collected in the framework of Wizard of Oz experiments. The 7 speakers interacted with a supposedly voice-recognition driven computer application using simple command words.
Language(s) : Hungarian -

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NIMITEK Multimodal Corpus 

This is a multimodal corpus collected in the framework of Wizard of Oz (WOZ) experiments. It contains about 15 hours of audio and video recordings from 10 German speakers (7 female, 3 male) aged from 18 to 27.
Language(s) : German -

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Multilingual COST278 BN database 

This is a multilingual database of news shows broadcasted by 14 TV stations in different countries. It contains about 30 hours of audio and video.
Language(s) : Croatian - Czech - Dutch - Galician - Greek - Hungarian - Portuguese - Slovak - Slovene -

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PIT Corpus of German Multi-Party Dialogues 

This is a German multimedia corpus which contains 75 multi-party dialogues recorded in a Wizard-of-Oz environment. It consists of interactions between two human dialogue partners with a multimodal dialogue system in the domain of restaurant selection. A total of 150 speakers aged from 19 to 51 years old were recorded.
Language(s) : German -

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Audio-Video Emotion Database (AVED)

The Audio-Video Emotion Database (AVED) includes short utterances covering 7 emotions.
Language(s) : Chinese -

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VNTV speech database 

This is a Slovenian speech corpus of 178 weather reports captured between October 1999 and February 2000 on the national TV programme (TVSLO1).
Language(s) : Slovene (Slovenia) -

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Big Australian Speech Corpus (Big ASC)

The Big ASC is planned to contain auditory-visual (AV) recordings from 1100 speakers, covering variants of Australian English over various areas and social background.
Language(s) : English (Australia) -

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